Accessability-MYOPIA SUCKS

I am myopic as heck and it would be sweet if there were some way to tag HI CONTRAST practices. … WHEN a YOGI/NI IS WEARING CLOTHES THAT DIFFERENTIATE BODY AND BACKGROUND IT;'S A LITTLE EASIER TO FOLLOW ALONG dark clothes/ light background would be optimal (but even I don’t change my wardrobe for hi visibility)

Just a suggestion for making yoga more accessible! I love what you’ve done with the place, David. I hope you don’t take this as a dig. YOU ARE ARE ALL MIRACLES FOR ME

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Hi there.

It’s great to know about issues like this. We do our best to film with colors on the subject that differentiate them from the background, but we aren’t 100% with this. I hope you find that more often than not, the video you would like to try works for you!

Don’t worry, I’m not taking your comment as a dig.

Take care,
