October 30-Day Community Challenge: 7-Day Chakra Healing Series with Fiji McAlpine

Chakra One: Muladhara (root chakra)
The chakra system is an interconnected and interdependent system, each charka has its own qualities and purpose and are all equally important in our overall well-being. That being said, the function of the first chakra directly impacts the function of each chakra that follows it. Much like the necessity of a tree to have a strong and healthy set of roots connecting it to the earth, humans also have a need to establish a secure foundation in order to grow and be fruitful. The location of this chakra is often referenced in the base of the tail bone, while some schools of Ayurveda believe this chakra is actually the only one not housed in the spine, instead the energy centre is located in the pelvic floor. The element of this chakra is that of earth, the source of energy, safety, and nourishment. The color is red, representative of the life force that supports and nourishes our body. The right of this chakra is to be, to feel we have a place that will support our basic needs and that we are truly meant to be here now. This is often referred to as the seat of fight or flight, as the root chakra essentially involves our basic survival needs.
In balance we feel grounded, at home in our own skin, awake and in harmony with the physical body which is the home of our spirit. When we are deficient (not enough energy flowing through this chakra) we feel flighty, disconnected with our physical sensations, passive or meek, and fearful that we don’t have enough. In excess ( too much energy running through the system) we may be aggressive, display hording behaviours in our relationship to money, things, food etc.
Healing mantras could include: I am here now. I am connected to a strong foundation. I source my ground and my needs are met. I have enough, I am enough.