Standing/sitting videos w/o wrist involvement

I’ve been doing yoga for years but unfortunately due to a progressive wrist/hand arthritis, can no longer tolerate any poses on the hands (down dog, plank, etc.). My favorite video is this one by Satiya but I would like to find some more routines to add into the mix (longer/harder are preferred). Are there other videos on the site that do not involve putting pressure on the hands/wrists? If not, I think this would be a great addition to your content!

Thank you,

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Fiji’s Power Yoga for Wrist Injuries is an amazing class! It’s subscribers only, PS.


I strongly support the suggestion for more practices that are easy on wrists/hands. I love both of the classes mentioned in this thread, but wrist problems are very common among yoga practitioners. I have to baby one of my wrists regularly and I often find myself going to other yoga sites for wrist-free or hands-free yoga, but this is by far my favorite yoga site and I would love to have more options here.


I agree, @laurenlacey23 I have been going to other sites to find standing or sitting practices. and @amanda.marie.heim thank you for the recommendation, I am not a subscriber but good to know there is one harder/longer video out there!

Great, suggestion and consider it noted! :slight_smile:

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I started daily morning yoga practice but wrists couldn’t handle it. How to make your wrists stronger because I would like to do downward facing dog etc?