Does anyone have any recommendations for a class that gives any advice or focus on going from the back fo your mat in downward facing dog back to the front? For years I’ve heard teachers say “step or hop to the front of your mat” and I always feel I’m very clunky getting there. Any advice or a class on the website that perhaps touches on that would be much appreciated.
I know that Rachel and Christa both have a class/tutorial covering technique for that. Personally I have been trying for years but have not succeeded. Apparently there are several factors involving hamstring tightness, core strength to arm length. All the best with your endeavour.
Thanks so much- I will look for both 
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@kate.griffin77 @dmco6863
That’s right, both Crista and Rachel have short classes that focus on the jump forward. And yes, it involves a number of factors, including ones that you can’t control like limb length and others that you have some control over, like leg and shoulder flexibility and strength! It takes practice!
I have tried, too, for a long time. I have no idea why I can’t. I can hop about halfway there LOL.
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Well, there’s my problem right there. Short legs. 
This post made me feel so much better! I always struggled with this (I can step pretty close, but always need to give a final push with the hands and never actually walk or hop all the way to the front) and I thought I was just bad tbh
Do you experience the same thing when stepping one foot forward in the transition between Dog and Lunge? I can never get it all the way to the front and it’s so frustrating. Anyone have good videos on that?
Mine is short arms. It’s easier if I use blocks under my hands but mostly kneel down and step forward from there.
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I think that might be my problem as well- I always find I have to adjust my legs at various points in my practice
I also struggle getting one foot up- I’ve yet to find a video to address this but if I do I’ll be sure to come back and post.
It’s re-assuring to know that others have this problem! I have tried Rachel’s instructions, but may give Fiji’s a go.
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Same! Maybe 3/4 of the way. Four years in 
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Mine NEVER goes between my hands!!
After years of yoga!!