Looking for the class with a 4-part Ohm chant at the end

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the great practices, and thanks for making so many of them free for all!

A few months ago I did a practice on the Do Yoga With Me site that included a 4-part Ohm chant practice at the end of the class. I loved that chant practice, but have forgotten the details and cannot seem to find the class again. Would anyone happen to know which class it was?


I love this and hope someone has a better answer than I do. Jonni-Lyn tends to have fun chants in her classes and my best guess would be that this is one of hers. (For the longest time I was trying to remember a class that had didgeridoo music in it, but it never occurred to me to try asking here! :blush:)

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Maybe take a look at Crista’s 14 day Elements challenge, there is usually meditation or chanting at the end of these. Even if it’s not the class you’re looking for I’m sure you’ll enjoy them. :pray:

Thank you for replying. I agree, it does sound like a Jonni-Lyn class. I’ll start my search there.

Best Regards,

Thank you for replying. I love Christa’s classes. I’ll try the elements series!

Best Regards,

I love all the team work here! I am not sure what class this is, but I am feeling encouraged now to add more mantra and chanting to my own classes!

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Hi Fiji,

Thanks for the great classes!