Sangha Session 19: "Why do we practice yoga on PVC?"

PVC is, by many accounts, one of the most environmentally damaging consumer materials ever produced. Its production is highly energy intensive, requires cancer-causing chemicals (chlorine gas, lead, organotins, chromium, cadmium and phthalates) and produces high volumes of toxic waste (dioxin, PCBs and hexachlorobenzene). PVC is also extremely difficult to recycle, takes centuries to biodegrade, and leads to the release of hazardous chemicals throughout its lifecycle.

So why is this extremely toxic material in 48% (17 million) of the yoga mats that are sold within a given year? Why do people buy them? Why are yoga companies selling them, when one of the fundamental principles of yoga is to be kind to the planet? Share your thoughts below.

To learn more about this issue, check out our recent article, Be Good to the Planet - The Environmental Impact of Yoga Mats.

To join our Plastic-Free Yoga Revolution (#plasticfreeyogarevolution), check out our ‘Can You Practice Without Plastic?’ global campaign.