I’m currently a student at General Assembly and I’m looking to do some research for my project as part of the Product Management course I’m on.
I’m looking to speak to yogis who have/are looking to develop their self/home practice.
You can’t be a yoga teacher/teacher-in-training
Based in UK and up for a 10 minute conversation (either video call or in-person if you’re London based!).
Many thanks in advance! 
Hello @wengyee6!
Wow, I’m surprised no one has responded. This seems to be a perfect place to make this request. Good luck!
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HI there, I will take part in this study. What do you need me to do? Don’t want to share my contact details in open chat - tried to insert a smiley but it showed as text - ?!
I’m happy to help! Let me know the best way for a chat!
Omg that’s brilliant! @catherinempierce @bethsanzenbacher Would you two mind emailing me at wengyee6@gmail.com so we can coordinate the call? 
Hey! I just saw your email and if it’s not too late am willing to participate in your survey. Please lemme know and Good luck!
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