I have been doing these 5 exercises for a little more than 6 months. Along with my regular daily practice. There is an interesting history to them. After 6 months I am feeling a tightening up of my abs and a sense of energized chakras.Just curious if anyone else on here has done them.
I haven’t, but they sound interesting.
The spinning gets the chakras going which sets the stage for the other four. I have felt a real firming up in the solar plexus area from 6 months of doing this. Also my back feels really good from doing the Rites
Yes, I’ve done them. If you’re looking for a short daily yoga asana practice they’re not a bad way to go, although the opening spin can be a bit nauseating if you’re prone to dizziness.
That said, I suspect the claimed pedigree is fictional, although that’s true of a lot what gets taught as esoteric practice, unfortunately.