Pregnancy and yoga

David asked met to post this message I sent through the website to the forum. I pasted Fiji’s reply below :

I am 12 weeks pregnant and have been doing your regular classes daily for a
couple of weeks. Yoga feels so good right now, I’ve been doing them every
morning when I wake up. I’m so tired but the end of the day and the nausea
sets in then, so doing your classes in the morning is the perfect way to
start my day. I’m so grateful you guys are here, and I love your classes so
much I’ve renewed my subscription. I’m in the middle of the 14 day challenge
and I’m pretty sore! I was wondering at what point I need to start modifying
and are there any poses I should avoid. I don’t really feel like I need to
start doing the pregnancy classes yet since I don’t really have a bump. Any
pointers on yoga during pregnancy would be appreciated.

Thank you for all do, I am so grateful you are here.


I am happy to hear that you are feeling called to continue yoga during pregnancy, many woman let their practice go as the fatigue and nausea set in. I can tell you from experience keeping your practice up really helps in labor and in recovery.

I would suggest that you do my prenatal class for the first trimester, at least once, this is going to be informative to you as to what types of moves you should be doing and not doing in this stage of pregnancy.

Things to avoid starting now: twists, lying on your belly, lying on your back once your bump grows ( you should lay on the left side instead during relaxation), I would also advise you simply to take your practice easy and not push yourself at all especially in the first trimester.

Take these modifications with you into any class that you do.

Smiles and belly rubs,
