Let us know how you prefer to practice yoga - by yourself or with others. I like both for different reasons - on my own to really go inward and focus on my inner experience. With others to be more motivated and maybe push myself in ways I wouldn’t on my own.
I suspect many of us love both for a variety of reasons. For me, practicing with others fosters connection and support (both online and in person). I love that we show up for each other, and I especially enjoy breathing audibly together. Practicing solo fosters connection with whatever we choose to focus on (actually, I suppose that is true of in-person practice with others too). For me that can be focusing on body sensations, directing the attention, challenging myself a bit, expressing kindness and care for this person, etc.
I enjoy both but especially the live streaming classes that are offered, sort of like practicing with others (but in my own space). The live classes help motivate me to show up at a certain time, and then I can revisit those that are posted. I applaud DYWM for offering such a wide variety of offerings for users of all levels!
I like practicing alone with DYWM because of the consistency – I can practice every morning exactly when I’m ready, choosing a length that works for me each day. I do enjoy an occasional class or retreat to make those connections, but I really get more challenge and what I need each day from my home practice.
I have not missed in-person yoga classes at all. I would have never started an at home practice before the pandemic, and I found the discipline, preferences and depth I did not have with in person classes. I solidified my practice bc it is solitary. My life is extremely other-oriented, so I rely on my introvert preference to be in my own body and space in yoga with so many of the DYWM teachers. That said: when Rachel did a live class it was a treat to be charged up energetically for what felt like a celebratory special event online.
I am really enjoying this too! I will be offering a monthly live stream flow that is related to the asana lab each month!
Hello Everyone, I’m Tayor from San Francisco CA, This is only my second time trying yoga. Although I would rather do yoga with others, but I don’t mind doing them alone either:)
I prefer doing yoga with others. It helps me feel connected, takes me out of "just me and the world’, helps me recognize the power of the collective and and notice group vibes and individual’s vibes, that I can both learn from, be inspired by, or sometimes offer support.
Doing something good feels good, but doing good TOGETHER feels even better.
I usually do yoga alone. I have to be in a certain mindset to practice with others at the yoga studio. The studio I attend also have livestreams, so I attend those a few times a week. I go through periods when I need the sense of community, so I’ll attend more in-person classes.
I like both. I find that when I join a class I always learn something new and challenge myself. I try things I don’t try on my own. I like doing a class online on my own, or completely on my own leading myself because I can enjoy the practice without the coming and going aspect. I love studios, but they have to feel just so to me. I like beach practice alone or with a group. I like my calm living room. I like the fun of a class where I know lots of people. I don’t like going into a strange new class with people I don’t know. I find it hard to “break in” a new crowd or place. I guess really, i like to feel super comfy…sometimes that means at home and sometimes with people and in places I am happy to be around.
I take yoga classes twice a week. Our instructors are a man and wife team. It is a wonderful experience on many levels.
I also DYWM at home, alone. I find that to be a wonderful experience, also.
The class experience connects me to people. The home experience connects my mind to my body. I really like both a lot.