Testimonial for the site

I just want to write a rave testimonial for you guys, and I couldn’t find how to do it. I stumbled upon this site 2011-my senior year of college, and David’s lower back release class blew my mind. It makes me so happy to see how much you all have grown, and I swear this is the best site for streaming GOOD yoga classes.


Completely agree, it is such a fabulous resource :slight_smile:

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Totally agree! I love this site. So much knowledge, integrity and good energy. Thank you DYWM!!!

Hi Katie,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share you thoughts and gratitude. Hearing from you and others like you is what lights us up and keeps us motivated to stay true to our mission, providing high quality yoga classes to people around the world! One way we could really benefit from your review is having you write a bit about your experience and opinon and share that on social media. We are a pretty great group of yogis here and simply getting the word out is what we need help with!