Hi my husband had surgery on his Achilles’ tendon and on the other leg total knee replacement. What is the best for him to do. Never ever did yoga but want to try it.
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The best place for your husband to start would be classes that teach him the basics - how to sit comfortably, how to stretch effectively and how to do sun salutations. The first class is Yoga for Absolute Beginners: Sukhasana and Dandasana, the 2nd Yoga for Absolute Beginners: Virasana and the 3rd is Yoga for Absolute Beginners: Sun Salutations.
We will have a new Yoga for Beginners page up very soon that will feature classes that beginners can move through, to help them progress, do it safely and get the most out of it.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Take care,
DoYogaWithMe Founder