Back Tightness and Pain

Hello everyone,

I’m looking for a class or program that specifically targets the upper back, rhomboids, and trapezius. Has anyone bought the 30 day Optimal Health for Lower Back program? If so can you comment, or maybe suggest a better program focused on the upper back instead?

I have been suffering from discomfort and tightness for years mostly focused only on one side of my back and concentrated only to one area.

This is my first post here, but I have been a member and a fan of DYWM for about a year or so now. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Adrian,

David released some amazing PNF classes that target specific areas!!!

Try this to start then explore all the others that may relate to your pain.

David’s class for upper back is also great. I do this regularly and it stretches out upper back and shoulders wonderfully.

I will give it a try. I have these trigger points that are stubbornly tight. I will try anything to ease it. Most days are tolerable and I’ve gotten to the point where I’m not 100% pain free but content with taking it day by day and focusing my attention towards more positive things. :slight_smile: