Confusion over strength training as part of yoga?

Hi, I have been wondering if a person can just use yoga for strength training or does one need to do weight training for a complete well rounded exercise program? If so would there be a way to choose yoga classes here that would gradually build strength for those who are not confident in this area? I was working out at a gym but found that Often my neck is tight or sore and I’ve become so cautious about using the weights. I’m asking as an individual in their 60’s . I like to walk regularly and really enjoy the yoga classes on this website. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Not so fond of going to the gym , I must admit :smiling_face:


Great question 13tealeaf. I am interested too. I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and do yoga on a regular basis. I wonder if yoga is as helpful for strengthening the bones as strength training with weights. I look forward to learning more. Thank you.


Hi :wave:, Yes with strength it seems a balance between bone strength and muscle strength to support bones.
I just find with weight training that so very often my muscles are quite sore and then I have to recover. And yet this continues with a weight training program ongoing. It doesn’t make one feel like going back for more.
Basically my goal is to remain strong and active while aging so I can continue to do the variety of things I love to do😍

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Great questions! Yes yoga can help you develop strength for sure and building up to that over time is key. In addition you can do some light resistance training at home, I do this once a week as I am also not a fan of the gym! Melissa just filmed 3 new classes using weights.


Fiji thanks for the heads up on Melissa’s new classes w weights! I need more resistance exercise options so thanks to her too.

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When will Meliss’a strength classes be ready? I can see the class listed on the main page, and I am a member, but when I click on it is says “you are not authorized to access this page”.

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Hi there! Unfortunately, that class of Melissa’s is part of a series that has not been released yet and we are looking into why it is appearing for certain users. The series should be out soon :slight_smile: My apologies for the inconvenience.

My osteoporosis doctor really pushed Pilates on the Reformer. I have had a long-time yoga practice, walk, and play doubles tennis, but the doc says you need the resistance provided by the Reformer. I decided to give it a try and go once a week until my May appointment. I think it is expensive and super challenging, even though I am in very good shape. Weights would give you some resistance, but Pilates has its advantages.

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Yay! The strength training classes by Melissa have started ! Just thought I’d let you know!! :heart_eyes:


I started serious weight training at age 60 and it has done wonders for my yoga practice - after four years chair pose is actually easy (well at least the first few). I do work with a trainer which I think was key to my improvement - on my own I didn’t know how much weight to use or when to increase the weight. Plus, I didn’t push myself enough and rested too long between sets. A good trainer is worth their weight in gold, just like a good yoga teacher!


I’m about to turn 64 and have used weights and bodyweight exercises since I was about 12-13 years old. It definitely compliments Yoga well, and in my opinion you really need both. I concentrate on multi-joint compound movements with weights, which are mainly Kettlebells now. I do KB squats and deadlifts, clean and presses, push-ups, dips, and a ton of pull-ups. None of this takes much time, but I am still stronger than most 20-somethings just from consistency and about 60 minutes or less per week of doing this.

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Resistance training and weights are now part of my weekly practice too, it is essential for bone density and maintaining muscle tone. All part of health span and life span!