Hi beautiful yoga community of DYWM!
I was wondering whether there are other people interested in seeing a DYWM website available in French also, being the other official language of Canada :). I truly believe the high quality content here would highly benefit the French speakers across Canada.
Even though many of us may have a good understanding of English, when the instructions get really technical in the videos, it can be difficult to follow all the details and guidance given. It could in the form of French subtitles. English subtitles or transcriptions may also help. Voice-over artists could read the translations for making videos available in French.
I also happen to be an English to French translator haha 
Well, this is something to think of. I love this website and the high quality content. Namaste!
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Hi @syldumo27 , I definitely second you on this one! As a bilingual resident of Québec, I promote DYWM to everyone I know who is interested in yoga - but I wish I didn’t have to put the disclaimer that there’s no French available
This is such a wonderful ressource, and I agree some French-language courses would make a great addition to the site!
Personally I am not totally sure how effective subtitles would be on a video, and it could be challenging to dub classes (there are so many!!) - but perhaps there are bilingual yoga teachers who would be happy to contribute some French-language classes. And an English-French glossary of terms for referring to the body and certain poses to accompany those classes would be a great plus - I agree with you that sometimes, I get lost in specific terms that I’m unfamiliar with!
Thanks for bringing up this suggestion, which I had been thinking of for a while - I hope this can resonate with other Francophones and French-learners on this site!
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Hi to you both !
I live in (french speaking) Belgium and my friends who practice yoga don’t speak /understand English, so they couldn’t check DYWM. But we don’t always understand french-canadian either 
I couldn’t find such a good online yoga website in French,I’m sure there is a place to take 
Great day to you,
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Yes, this is a great question. I, too, feel like subtitles wouldn’t work well. It would need to be a voice-over, which would require a lot of work! We aren’t ready to go down that path, but maybe in the future!
I appreciate the feedback.