I love love love doing yoga! What I do have a problem with sometimes is matching my breathing with the cued inhales and exhales of the teacher. Maybe I inhale when the teacher says breathe out. And vice versa. So the question is how much does it matter? I would assume that there’s thought that goes into the cued breaths. When to go in and out.
Great Question!
The answer is yes and no!
What matters most is that you create a steady, slow, rhythmic breath as you practice. Breathing at the same pace as the teacher is not important, but some poses are traditionally done on an inhale or an exhale. The inhale typically lifts and lengthens as the exhale typically lowers as you soften.
Hope this helps
Yes that helps. Sometimes trying to match my breathing with the cues can be a distraction or just not feel right. I will try to concentrate on the lifting up and releasing down aspects.
Thank you!
Hi Jim, I just discovered Day 2 of the Thrive in 25 challenge, Balance with Breath, is great for breath awareness. Tracey starts out with a focus on breath that nicely sets the stage. You might give it a try. (I’ve been working through this challenge to expose myself to new instructors beyond my usual favorites and to try new things in 2025.) Beth
Thanks. I will give it a try.