Hi DYWM. I’ve recently been experiencing mild discomfort in my elbows, with a little more severity in my right elbow. It is likely early tennis elbow or something related, and I want to make sure I nip this issue in the bud before it becomes recurring.
A little background: I’ve been practicing with DYWM (and a in person, somewhat) for the past two years. Over the past 6 months, I’ve been very consistent in my practice, working through Fiji’s yoga challenges and absolutely loving it. While being stuck inside, I’ve been doing a lot of repetitive yoga and practicing peak poses like arm balances and wheel pose (and cartwheels, lol). It’s likely that I’ve been overdoing it, and also overextending in poses like downward dog (or having poor technique).
The elbow discomfort has been relatively mild, but it’s becoming a nuisance. I haven’t experienced this before, so I’m looking for tips! Specifically, treatment, stretches, and yoga classes I can still do while resting them!!
Thank you in advance 
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I, too, have some elbow issues. I have decided to stay away from most arm balances for this reason. I injured my elbow doing crow pose during a class a few weeks ago that took about 2 weeks to heal well. I now am able to do crow pose just fine. Crow pose and side crow pose are the only arm balances I do now. I don’t do any handstands. I do other forms of inversions that don’t involve arm balances. I mainly practice using Melissa Krieger’s classes, and she doesn’t teach arm balances or handstands, etc. If you’ve not taken her classes, please do. She’s terrific.
It’s a good idea to address an issue before it gets worse, so good for you! The best thing to do is to regularly stretch your shoulders, neck, arms and hands. It would be great if you could incorporate one or more of the following classes into your weekly routine:
Hatha Yoga for the Hands and Wrists
Hatha Yoga for the Hands, Arms and Shoulders
Yoga for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Maintenance
A Deep Release for the Shoulders and Neck
And @duke_bball_1 is right, avoid anything that aggravates the elbows. It’s best to take good care of them until the discomfort goes away.
Thank you so much @doyogawithme! I’ll check those out. David Procyshyn, you are truly a Position Magician.
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I have bad tendonitis in my right arm (elbow region) and starting in my left, which I believe I got from doing some yoga positions incorrectly. Perhaps downward dog or other poses that rely on straight arms on the ground. Can you please recommend some longer classes that I can safely do? I am a beginner, but can do some intermediate, as well. I am using yoga for exercise as well as physical and mental wellness. Thank you!
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Hi @ginabeer. I would try some of Rachel Scott’s classes - perhaps her 7-day challenge. If she guides you into something that could potentially stress your tendonitis, modify to ease it back a bit.