Granddaughter Yoga,

I had a great experience the other day. We’re visiting my daughter and her family. As is my custom I do my yoga practice before breakfast. So I started. Out if the corner of my eye I could see the door
creak open. In walks my 3 year old granddaughter. Now she has been curious at times and has asked me to show her some poses. She can do her version of Tree,Downward Dog, and others. But this was new. She proceeded to start following Fiji and me again doing her version of Half Moon, Upward Dog, and Tree, among others. After about 15 minutes she decided that was enough and just got up and exited the room.
Hard to express my feelings about this happening. Joy,love,gratitude come to mind. But most of all I hope watching me do yoga makes a lasting impression on her little mind.


Big smile here. Thanks so much for sharing this.

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So sweet! How open and curious children are. Something we can bring into our own practices as well!

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This is beautiful Jim.
Model the way…

That is the standard I hold for myself with my own children. What positive things can I model for them.

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