I would love a Boat Pose tutorial!

I have always struggled with Boat Pose. I seem to end up uncomfortably tilted back on my tailbone and straining my hip flexors. I am not sure if I should even use my hip flexors. I assume my core strength just isnt’ what it needs to be for the pose and I need some strengenthing poses to work my way up to boat, but I’m not sure what or how. Please advise!

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I second this! Boat pose hurts my tailbone and my hip flexors seem to be working more than I think they should.


Great Idea! This is a challenging pose for all of us. The tailbone discomfort in this pose can be an issue especially for those who have had an injury there. You can try adding slight cushion by using a blanket. The hipflexors always get involved, if anything we are trying to use them less and asking the core to fire up and do more in this pose. You can start with your tip toes touching the ground and still holding the frame in the upper body.

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