Hello to Everyone My Name Is Cindy I live in Murrieta, CA. So I just finished my Yoga Instructor Certification and I feel stuck I don’t know what to do, I have looked for yoga Positions in my area not much luck yet and nervous to teach. But I just was hoping to get feedback. I am in the 4mnth Sequencing Mentorship Program with Rachel Scott love love it!!! Learning so much from her.
Thank you so much so appreciate feedback.
Hi Cindy! I used to live in Temecula!!!
Starting to teach is tricky for most everyone, and takes time. The best thing you can do is practice teaching to gain confidence and skill, even if it is for free, by donation, or to family and friends. In addition to that approaching studios and rec centers as a possible sub is a great way to get your foot in the door.
Hi Cindy - I am in the sequencing course with you. Teaching my first class took courage. I approached my gym and offered to teach a class, and now I am doing it weekly. This works for me because I know my students and can relate the poses to a holistic approach to fitness. My students are forgiving to me when I make a mistake (there have been many), and allow my to be human about it. They know I am a new teacher and appreciate the effort involved. They have given me excellent feedback which has helped me improve. In agreement with the gym, I charge $5.00 with the proceeds going to purchase equipment. My students all know this. I benefit from developing my practice, the students benefit from accessing yoga easily, and the gym benefits.
There is also a park near where I live. I have not done it yet, but my next idea is to post a sign that says “Free Yoga on Sunday at 10:00”. Even if no one shows up, I will still teach the class. It gets me into the practice or preparing for a class, rehearsing it and then delivering it. If I do this regularly people will see the class and eventually show up. I will post this on my facebook page and invite my friends. I am sure that creating an awareness of a class will create a draw. Being in the process of teaching has helped me improve both my teaching and my regular yoga practice. It takes courage. Be humble and don’t expect perfection. Just take that first step.
I’ve been teaching for almost ten years and I still do a lot of mistakes. It’s part of being human
If you study the videos on DYWM or any other site you’ll find mistakes in most of them.
Teaching at the park is a great idea, but di chsrge something for it. Or at least accept donations. I sometimes offer classes where all proceeds go to some charity.
Your student will be kind and will want you to succeed. When you do a mistake bust let it be and continue as norhing happened. Only you know what was supposed to happen.
Best of luck.
Oh, and if you want to send a video of you teaching and get feedback I’m here for you. Or ask any of your class mates.
Hi Fiji Sorry just responding. I started working back at a Do you Remember Filippis Pizza well I worked there 20 years ago and I have always stayed in contact with the owners, so I reached out to them and so thankful they needed more servers, had to start making some $$$. I am trying not to overthink everything, but I feel like ok Finished my Yoga Certification and yes I was like ok now what like I mentioned. I just worry am I going to put off even beginning to Teach because I need to work fulltime, but I need to not overthink it and I know yoga is my passion and my dream to make it my career but yes things take time and I have bills to pay. Anywhooo I appreciate you responding to me. So my question if I want to offer a class in a park, Do you remember Harveston Park and community in Temecula well I know alot of people will do Yoga classes there. So how do I go about offering a class at this park or any? Who do you have to contact to make sure it is aloud, or how does it work? And you said contact Rec centers and ask about teaching classes so I will give that a shot. Now I don’t have my Certification through the Yoga Alliance yet because I have to do my 10 free teaching hours so when you approach these places won’t they ask for my Yoga Certification? Thanks so much.
Hi thank so much for responding sorry took me a bit getting used to working FT as a server again have to make that stuff called hmm money
!!! So now my question also is if I don’t have my Certification through the Yoga Alliance yet because I have to do my 10 free teaching hours and then I send all the info. required to my yoga instructor at the College that I completed my certification through, can you actually offer classes at a park or Rec center etc. Don’t they ask for my certification from the yoga Alliance?
And yes I am nervous as heck to teach but I know that work in progress right and everyone feels nervous for a bit. And my yoga instructor said what helped her was sticking with the same opening and Sequencing till you can more confidence in teaching. What did you do when you started? Someone shared with my also Cindy they are not going to notice if you mess up it is going to be tht u will but yes just keep going. And I know where I do want to be very mindful of is with the cueing to make sure of injuries etc correct?
Thanks so much for responding.
Hello Thank you so much for the advise. I am going to figure out the park and how I can plan it. And yes I need to do a video I am just nervous cause I am so judgmental of myself but I have to start I know it takes time and we all go through this as a new instructor. So I am going to work on making a video. Thanks so much.
Hi Cindy, Offering classes for free to get your 10 hours is the first priority. You can start small and grow each class. You can offer a few friends a yoga class in your back yard or a park, after doing that a few times you could expand your invite. Allow friends to bring someone along etc. You can repeat the same class, or opening sequence each time until you are more comfortable. It is all a slow and steady progression building both skill and confidence. Once your hours are done send them into your teacher for approval and then register with yoga Alliance as soon as you get your certificate. You can then get discounted insurance through yoga alliance which is what the Rec centers and yoga studios are looking for. Ask if you could be on their sub list to start or if you could offer a karma class, which is a 5 dollar donation that goes to the studio and you get a regular time slot to build your teaching skills for a few months.