Sacro iliac question for David

I have determined that my low back pain is due to sacro iliac joint inflammation. Are there particular poses or DYWM classes that you recommend for problems with this joint?

I have been doing a lot of hip and spine classes lately. Can too much hip opening aggravate that tight s.i. joint?

Thank you!

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Hi there.

Issues with the SI joint can be complicated since it depends on exactly what is happening for you. Too much motion and limited range of motion are approached differently. Do you feel like there is too much or too little motion?


Hi David,

I have to say I have not noticed any real difference in range of motion of the left si joint (the one affected).

However, what is significant and that I failed to mention is that my right hip is moderately arthritic. It is painful and stiff at times. I find yoga and strengthening exercises help manage and minimize this. For my age, 60, I have good rom in it and the supporting muscles are strong from exercise, but internal and external rotation are hindered.

The si pain is in my left lower back. This imbalance in the hips is a causal factor I am sure. The left si joint is probably called upon to be more flexible to compensate for the stiffness in the right hip.

I hope that helps.

Thank you for advising!

Look forward to your reply.


Hi Kris. Thanks for the info. It sounds to me like you would benefit from this 2-video series that I created:

Yoga for Lower Back Pain: Strengthen, Stretch and Relax Your Back I

The link to the second class is in the description of the class above.

Let me know how it goes!


Just wondering how often and roughly how long should I be doing the classes?

Try one of these two classes two to three times per week and see if it helps. If you notice that they are helping, you could try doing them more frequently, or work in a core strength or pilates class once or twice a week. It depends on how much time you have available.

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Thankyou David. I don’t know what’s caused mine but I suspect long car trips. The more I move around the better but one bad night’s sleep is enough to set it off again.

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Hi David,
Yes I have used those videos. I also like Anastasia’s core and spine strengthening videos. Building strength in the abdomen helps. I have also discovered some Vata yoga routines. Apparently, Vatas are known for issues with joints in the lower half of the body. Alternating these routines with more generalized routines for the whole body have been the ticket. Perhaps DYWM can add some Dosha based routines. As we are in the fall season, Vata imbalance is an issue for many. Thanks!


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Thanks, Kris. That’s great advice. :slight_smile: