Subscribers Only Checkbox

First, let me say thank you for your fantastic website and all the excellent classes you let non-subscribers such as myself access free of charge. As a non-subscriber I have often wondered why the “Subscribers Only” checkbox on Practice\Browse All Yoga Class Videos is not a “Non-Subscribers Only” checkbox. Presumably subscribers get access to all classes, so rarely use this feature. However it would be very useful for non-subscribers if it was a “Non-Subscribers Only” checkbox instead.


Yes, you have a very good point. That’s something we’ve thought about and will take a closer look at whether to simply change it or modify the page in another way.
Thanks so much for the feedback. I’m glad you’re enjoying the website!

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@rupert_may Thank you for that suggestion as David mentioned, we have been thinking about making that change. We have spoken to our developer and that should be updated soon. Thank you so much for your support :slight_smile:


@rupert_may Hello again Rupert, it was actually a very easy change so you’ll see a Free checkbox in place of the Subscriber-only one. I hope you have a great day!


Wow @Sean and @doyogawithme David Procyshyn, I am greatly impressed by your personal responses to my post and amazingly quick response and implementation of my suggestion. I have just tested it and it works brilliantly - thank you both so much ! This new feature will enable me to find classes much more quickly, especially when time is short in the morning before work. You really have demonstrated your mission and values. I have told many other yoga friends here in the UK about your fantastic site and will continue to do so.

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It’s our pleasure! I’m happy that it’s working for you and thank you for spreading the word!