Teddy Bear Headstand

Hey team,

I’m long time fan of the site - been visiting since 2012 I think! I especially love Fiji’s classes which are perfectly instructed - allowing me
to never hurt myself and to push further into new challenges.

I was wondering if Fiji could do a video on transitioning into a teddy bear headstand? It seems to be something instructors assume easy - but I’ve never
been able to do it with out tipping over. Fusterating for me because I love inversions and can do the other arm and head balances.

Thanks so much for what you do!

New Zealand

Hi Jess. Thanks for the question.

Are you a subscriber? I’m asking because this would be a great question to ask Fiji in her private Facebook group. Here’s the link - and you can ask to join by clicking the + Join button.


If you aren’t a subscriber, I can pass the question on to her to. She isn’t in this forum regularly.

Take care,

DoYogaWithMe Founder

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the response! I am a subscriber. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the link - I will try that.


Hi Jess! There is one video here on the sight that she includes a teddy bear inversion in, and it’s one of my favorite inversions! I will also join her Facebook group. I would have to sift through a ton of videos to remember which class she includes it in, so I could ask her in that group.

Hi Jessica,

What a fun idea for a class! I love it and will film it by the end of the month!!

So happy my classes resonate with you and help expand your practice!
