Total Knee Replacement Yoga Classes

Thanks for being a great resource for my yoga practice. With my new knee and its limited range of motion plus numbness, I am struggling being on my knees in most positions and unsure how to adjust as I follow along. Was wondering if anyone is considering putting together some classes with minimal time on knees or offering alternatives during that portion of the class. I and I’m sure others in the rising population of folks with knee replacements would appreciate it!

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Great idea. I’ll put it out there to our teachers.

I hope things are going well with your TKR. I have both knees replaced (2010 and 2015) and since doing yoga more intensively, I am able to bend the knees more for kneeling. I do need to either kneel on a block or a bolster, and so I always keep one near me when doing DYWM classes, or when doing my own flow. I took a 26 day yoga teacher seminar in Baja a few years ago, and the daily yoga and floor sitting really helped. It was slow, though, and I am not sure how much flexibility I would have gotten with just my own yoga without such an intense program. How long has it been since your TKR? Usually the first year is when one gains most flexibility, but I’ve proven that it needn’t be that way. I wish you the best of luck. … also, over time, kneeling has become less painful for my knees–I began using either a blanket or a very thick (1/2 inch) yoga mat at first after the surgeries. That helped. I am now using a regular yoga mat though not the super thin ones. Hope these comments help.