Vegetarian/sattvic diet

What are some of your experiences with the vegan/veg/sattvic diets?

I decided to cut out meat and seldom consume dairy, while still eating fish and eggs. My diet consists of whole grains and beans, oats/nuts, fruits, vegetables, greens.

I can certainly say I feel clearer, and that with the depth I’ve taken my yoga practice that removing meat from my diet was the right move. I already feel more connected with my gut and therefore my body than I previously did.

Advanced vinyasa classes and breath of fire really assisted the transition to a meatless diet.

How has yoga transformed your diet?

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Eating vegetarian or vegan certainly makes me feel lighter and my head feel more clear. I think it’s a good thing for me and my digestive system. Yoga reinforces that for me, since my practice is enhanced when I don’t feel weighed down by heavy foods. It also encourages me to eat less sugar, since it can make me feel unbalanced.

Thanks for the topic!

My husband and I have followed a strict vegan diet for 14 years, to deepen our spiritual practice (and out of compassion for animals and nature). It was the best choice we have made for ourselves, and our experience with mindful daily attention to our diet has brought many positive elements to our lives.

We encourage you to continue exploring this uplifting path. Some resources that we find inspiring:
The World Peace Diet:
World Peace Yoga Book: http://www.heä

In reply to your question: How has yoga transformed your diet? With us, the question is flipped: Our Diet has transformed everything in our lives, including our approach to yoga. And, remarkably, a mindful diet, with attention to Ahimsa, is a foundation of our own yoga practice. We feel more in tune with everything around us.

Would you like to share your experience with your diet change thus far?

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Lovely response, Chris. :slight_smile:

I was inspired by a “No Meat Athlete” podcast to spend a year on a vegan diet training for the Houston Marathon. I honestly never felt better in my life and I completed the marathon.

That was two years ago and I’ve slowly slipped back into a conventional diet. I’m trying to move back in that direction by cutting out most meat and I’ve already noticed a substantial difference in my workouts and yoga. There’s something about a diet that includes meat that leaves me cloudy and heavy. It sneaks up on you, too.