Yoga tips for long haul flights?

hi! I’m about to do a series of long haul flights and wondered if anyone had recommendations for yoga poses with limited room? I’m a newbie to the yoga world and loving it, but I tend to tighten up when stationary for prolonged periods of time.
So this flight I intend to join the folk stood by the toilets or blocking the gangway trying to get my yoga fix when able.
Cheers, Sair

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Hello, Sair.

That’s great! I love the image of you doing yoga in the aisle. Why not? Gotta get the body moving!

I really think you could do quite a bit in the aisle - lots of standing postures would do and they may be the best for your body, considering you’ve been sitting for so long and it would make it easier to move out of the way if need be. I would say test it out and see what works.



The flight attendants have always let me stand in the kitchen area and do yoga poses. When I flew to Vietnam, that really helped me reduce leg swelling and I felt more refreshed when I arrived. What I did was do a short routine every time I used the restroom. No room for sun salutations but you can do a lot of poses in a 4 foot square area. You can also do some twists in your chair as well as ankle, shoulder, and neck rolls.

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I really do think yoga is the best way not to be carried out of plane after a long flight :joy: Before I started doing yoga I had a lot of problems with my back even if it was two-hour flight. And I remember first time I got an idea to do it was actually while waiting for a delayed flight. I was waiting for 10 hours - I was cold, I got tired from not doing anything and I was really going crazy :slight_smile: Since then I travel in cozy womens gym clothes and do yoga whenever I feel I need to, you should most definitely try it :wink:

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