Brocken wrist and Yoga?

Hello DYWM community,
I broke a wrist a few days ago, had surgery and was told that I mustn’t do yoga for at least 3 months, which I found devastating. But I wonder if it shouldn’t be possible to do yoga just simply without any of the poses that would have me on me put pressure on my hands. What do you say? Is there a class even here on the website I could follow? That would really make me happy :smiley:
Thanks for your feedback!
Take care and be well,

Jonni-Lyn has two Intermediate wrist-free classes! They are great and a good workout. Her classes are like doing yoga with a friend :slight_smile:

Also, check out Guy Friswell’s classes. He has one called “Standing Room Only” and others that are mostly standing classes. Melissa Krieger also has a “Happy Wrists” class that’s great! Hope that helps!

Thanks so much, Emily, made my day :blush:

I think Helen Camisa also has a wrist-free practice, as well! She incorporates an awesome goddess flow I love! Speedy healing to you!

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Yes there are indeed free wrists practices on DYWM. Both Melissa (happy wrists), and I think Fiji has some. I bet if you do a search on DYWM for “wrist free” these practices will pop up. And you can learn through these practices how to modify. For example, instead of doing downward dog, do dolphin pose. There may be some standing practices too and I bet you could search under “standing” and find some. Good luck with the healing.

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