Yoga post surgery

I had breast implant replacement surgery a few months ago and then had minor complications which has prolonged my time until I can start my regular practice. I have been very sedentary for more than 6 months now but just got released to start with light movement and lower body activities (No upper body whatsoever).
I have been meditating on and off but I do feel very disconnected from myself (physically, mentally, spritually) and I also feel like my muscles lost all their strength. Any suggestions for a specific series, program or challenge to create a routine and space for grounding,connection, breathing etc AND for lower body strength?
Thank you!

Hello Carmen,

I am happy to hear you are healing, and being patient with your recovery! I also understand the feeing of disconnection from self when practice is interrupted for a long time.

At this time if no upper body is advised I would look in guided meditations and self lead practices that move your lower body in a way that feels safe to you.

After some time we do have wrist free classes that tend to be more focused on the lower body and less upper body.

Remember that this is short time, though it feels longs now, yoga will always be waiting.

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Hi Carmen,
When I broke my wrist a few of years ago, I found an 8-minute goddess tutorial on another platform (sorry DYWM - you’re my favorite, go to). It felt really good, got my blood flowing, built my leg strength and took goddess to a new level. I was doing it a few times a week until I could get back to my upper body. You might look for something like that on DYWM.

An aside, David has a wrist video, per Fiji’s comment, that was my introduction to DYWM when I started getting my strength back, and it was so helpful helping me build strength and address carpal tunnel caused by the wrist injury.

Good luck with your healing. It will get better, even if it’s slow. I was surprised how long it took me to get wrist strength back, but it happened bit by bit. I’m so grateful now for what it can do!