Classes for Post Op Laparoscopy and Endometriosis Removal

I had surgery March 6, 2018 and am wanting to amp up my activities so I can return to teaching my aerial fitness classes. Are there some class suggestions that are Beginner/Intermediate level that aren’t too heavy on the prone or twisting positions that I can incorporate into my practice for the next couple weeks as my incisions continue to heal? Thanks!

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Hi there.

It may be difficult to find intermediate classes that don’t have you twisting, but we will have plenty of beginner classes. For vinyasa style classes, try Power Yoga for Beginners or Sun Salutations III. For beginner classes, there are a number of classes with Melissa, David, Rachel and Anastasia that would be great. I would just choose one that doesn’t say anything about backbends or twists in the title or description.

I hope that helps!