Coronavirus: Let's help one another get through this!

As the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) spread across the globe, many of us are isolating ourselves from society to prevent further infections.

We all need community and support, particularly at a time like this. So let’s make sure that everyone has the support they need. Use this thread to share what is happening where you are living and what you are doing to cope.

Also, because we have a lot of new people on the site, if any of the DYWM veterans have classes, programs, challenges or meditations that you have found helpful, let us know! Let’s help one another stay positive and healthy, wherever you are in the world!


Thank you for this offer of help. DYWM yoga and some online YMCA360 classes at keep me physically active which is so important right now. I’m doing Rachel Scott’s 7-Day Fundamentals Challenge to review yoga basics with an online short Barre or Boot Camp YMCA360 class in the morning. I may do a short Office Yoga when I need a break from the computer. I’m thinking of doing another Challenge after I finish the Fundamentals. I might try Fiji McAlpine’s Elevate 14-Day Challenge since I like shorter Challenges. In the evening, I pick a short Restorative/Relaxation class and often listen to one of your Total Body Relaxation audios.

Skype, Facebook, and Internet access are my links to the rest of the world. My international Skype and Facebook friends are dealing with coronavirus and isolation, too, so we stay in contact to support one another.

I would encourage anyone new to DYWM to read some of the excellent blog posts and then experiment with different classes and teachers to find what works for him/her.


DYWM is a lifeline to sanity for me during this difficult time. I am very fortunate but I feel as if the outlines of life are changing day by day. Uncertainty produces anxiety for me. Yoga helps me stay flexible–physically, but also emotionally so that I do not devolve into a spinning hamster wheel of whatifs. Thank you DYWM for being here.

I was wondering if anyone has written down the saying that Fiji uses at the end of some of her classes? I cannot remember it all. I think there are four parts and It includes something like “Embrace deeply, heal completely, release ??, move forward willingly”. Every time I hear it I wish I had it written down. If anyone has transcribed it and if it is possible to share, I would be very grateful.

Peace to all, and may we all stay healthy and heal our world.


Hi there, I am in New Zealand. I am lucky that a great deal of my colleagues are calm and being in a school situation, we are all being mindful of hygiene practices and checking out for each other, children and families.
I am also a hairdresser, some of my people are very distressed. I am going to play some beautiful meditation music, give them an extra long relaxing head massage and not feed their anxiety by talking about the negatives, but give them a moment to relax and forget about it for just a moment. Breathe…


This is so wonderfully kind, thank you. I have been using your videos for over a year and just shared your link with my 1,200-strong group of therapists, asking them to take a look and to consider sharing with their clients. Love and light, Jane, The Friendly Physio :slight_smile:


Continuing the discussion from Coronavirus: Let's help one another get through this!:

David, I’m so grateful for you and your team. I’ve practiced with you and Fiji many times over the years.
Thank you for setting an amazing example of giving.
You are truly an inspiration!
I look forward to many more years of practice with you! Health, peace and love, L


Thank you for sharing!
@Lorilehe Thank you. We’re doing our best!
@jane2 Thank you for spreading the word!
@susan.rae Good for you for giving so much to make sure others are doing well.
@rapazina I’ll get Fiji to chime in with an answer.
@mb8649 What a great plan! It’s a great approach when you’re isolated from the rest of the world!


Hello All, Taking Ron’s suggestion and writing here to share what I’ve been doing these few weeks. Top of my list is staying in touch with loved ones! It gives me comfort hearing how and what they are doing to stay safe and healthy. For myself, I try to go out for a walk each day, practice some form of meditation and yoga, sometimes do errands on foot rather than driving. In addition, I am enjoying creativity! I’ve been writing, painting, preparing my gardens for planting, and catching up with chores that otherwise fall to the bottom of the to do list, and the days have been full and leave me feeling satisfied and productive. I can then relax in the evening after dinner. I hope any of these suggestions bring you a sense of peace. Glad for the invitation to share. xo Kathleen


Hi there,

I’m living in Hamburg, Germany and we are now on a ban going out because of the Corona Virus. So I started to Fijis Elevate 14-Day Yoga Challenge with Fiji McAlpine. There are no more excuses any more, I now have time. You help me go threw this weird times and gives me structure. :wink: Thanks a lot for your great offer, so glad that I found you.
Take care of youself and others. Usch


I have started the Elevate Challenge when we went on school lockdown last weekend. I knew I was going to need a regular praxis again in order to stay sane and healthy. I was very touched by Fiji’s words at the beginning of day 5. She said something like:

“Today’s lesson is about the art of discernment. About listening to ourselves very honestly in each and every moment and about knowing when to push ourselves a little further and when to pull back and rest.”

Whenn I tried to do this practice on Friday, I realised after about five minutes that it felt too intense for my already quite tense muscles and that I was stressed for time as well. I quit the practice and did a shorter programme. Yesterday I came back to it and even though it was intense, it was perfect.

So, what I really want to say, again and again: Thank you guys for being here, before the Corona crises and especially now!


Thank you, thank you. I have been grateful to have DYWM since 2016. You offer wonderful classes and a wonderful community. One positive of staying at home, I have more opportunity to do classes!


Sound like Fiji’s Elevate Challenge is a popular go-to!

We’ve also been doing some yoga, meditation and pilates at home, as well as as getting our garden going! Because we’re in the pacific northwest, the climate is mind enough to allow for planting cool-loving plants in March. In go the peas, broccoli, cabbage, kale, spinach, lettuce, radishes, greens and potatoes!


I’m so grateful to have DYWM to help me through this crisis. It’s already an important part of my life, and now, it is even more so!


Hello all, new member here. My name is Paul and I live in New Zealand. Today it was announced that our whole country will go into a 4 week lockdown. I practise yoga to keep myself mobile as I’m a powerlifter in training. I’ve been carrying out a few of the YouTube videos David has done from many years ago, but for some reason only decided to check out this website today. It’s going to open my yoga world into a whole new realm of possibilities, especially now I’m going to be at home for the next month. Stay safe and look out for each other.


Our lockdown isn’t quite that strict in New Zealand. We are still allowed to go out for a walk to get some fresh air or go for a drive in our own cars as long as we don’t interact with anyone else.


Thanks so much to you David and the whole DYWM team. You are always a guiding light in this world and now more than ever I am relying on your classes. I’m choosing to lean into this challenge and do whatever I can to help those around me. I’m doing my best to learn from it, to see the silver linings and be grateful for everything I do have. I also see this as a time for leadership in action: demonstrate the behaviours you want to see; smile at strangers; be generous and kind; remain calm. The more of us that can do this, the better chance we have of coming through this together. Sending a whole lot of love to the world right now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hello everyone, I hope this post finds you all safe and healthy. I am a law student in US and unfortunately one of my classmates has contracted COVID-19. Due to lack of testing I have been instructed to self isolation for 14 days after contacting this person. I feel great so no worries. However due to hours of reading and homework each day I have developed a tremendous amount of tension, and pain frankly, in my upper back and spine. I was a collegiate athlete and maintain a high level of fitness. I have never done yoga before and I was hoping for suggestions on programs that could be a good fit for me and my situation. Best wishes!


@Paulharper2704 @mjscott88 @lanewman0405
Sending you all positive thoughts. As you look for the right things for you on our site, feel free to reach out with any questions.
Take care,

Hi David,

I’ve got a bit of a silly question and I feel like I almost know the answer but I’d still appreciate your advice please. I have a tendency to overstretch and hurt myself when I do yoga at home. I don’t even mean to! Yet somehow it happens more often than not.

Do you have any advice to help with this please?


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Greetings @lanewman0405. Good luck with your self-isolation, hopefully you can find some fun things to do.

I swam through college, did triathlons for years, and still swim competitively as I’ve hit 50 :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. One would think that this activity level would overcome the ergo challenges of a career desk job. In my experience, it does not. My advice to a young person is to find a full-body movement routine, yoga or other, and incorporate it into your life. Your body will thank you later, I promise. And if you choose the yoga path, your mind and spirit will likely thank you as well =)

Until recently, I thought I needed to go to a yoga studio for a good experience. 8 days ago I started Fiji’s challenge and I’ve come to realize that pacticing at home with a recorded session can also provide a great experience. 14 days is a perfect amount of time to find a routine and begin building a lifelong habit.

Take a look through the two sections; Programs and Yoga Challenges. These put multiple sessions together so you don’t have to pick a class every day. Perhaps try the
Beginner 30 day challenge, this would set you up for 30 days and you can experience beginner classes from many of the instructors.

Best of luck and stay healthy!

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