Hello everyone, I’m new to this site and so happy to have found it 
I need some advice on finding the best first classes for me here.
I’ve been practicing yoga for some years but not very regular as I’ve moving from country to coutry and everytime finding a good class/teacher takes long (Curently in Mozambique, Africa) So I could say i’m between beguinner and intermediate. I wanted to have some recomendations on classes that are as I said on the title slow but intense… I have tryed some already but for me they go too fast… One of the dificulties for me is that I’m not english native speaker and I can’t catch every posture if I’m not looking to the screen wich makes it very unconfortable… I love Fiji Mc Alpine style but I can’t keep on her class for too long I get tired and lost track…
So not sure my request makes sense and if you have some advice but thought it was worth asking 
Best to you all and Merry Christmas 
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I’m hovering somewhere between beginner and intermediate and every day for me is different. You could try Fiji’s first Moving Meditation class, I think it goes for around 18 minutes. Her Back to the Mat class is very good too. I also enjoy Ron Stewart’s classes.
Select the class style of “Yin Yoga”. Those will be slow and hold poses a long time, which will become intense. Whenever I’ve been away from the mat, I start with a week of beginner and work myself back up to intermediate. I agree with the above recommendation of “Back to the Mat”, an excellent class. I enjoy Satiya Channer’s calm, slower classes. She has a very soothing voice and good instruction. David Porcyshyn also has very thorough, instructive classes.
All of those suggestions sound good to me! Let us know how those classes go and if you have any further requests.
Take care,
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Oh thanks so much for your answers, sorry for this late replay I was away of net life… I’ll check those options and let you know how it goes! Cheers!
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David speaks slowly and clearly, so he would be good for helping you understand the instructions.