May 2022 Sangha Session Expansion

Yoga helps us expand not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. What unexpected ways has yoga helped you to expand?


Yoga has helped me to understand more deeply that my body is a sacred temple of the living God with a beautiful energetic skeleton. This temple has a custodian… and it’s me! You are a wonderful teacher, Fiji.


It helps me calm myself and appreciate what I have and who I am. The pace of your classes are just wonderful.


A great tool for relaxation. Also a way to tune into my body as I age


Yoga has helped make be a better person and is helping me recover from breast surgery. Having a little core strength really helped me get out of bed. The nurses were impressed.


Lovely, One of my favorite poems by Richard Wagamese says " I used to think my body had a soul, now I think it’s the otherway around"

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So happy yoga is part of your recovery to full health!

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So happy the resonate with you!

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Yoga has expanded my sense of being more mindful and more in touch with my emotions and feelings. It’s also expanded my sense of strength, both physically and mentally.

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I’ve been meditating for almost four years and started practicing yoga three months ago because of my back/neck pain.
It took me a few classes (always online) to realize how related meditation and yoga are.
When I’m able to relax in a posture I feel grounded and connected to something bigger.
As a side effect,my back is better now🙂