Hi there. This is a very important topic, one that is part of our decision-making process every day.
For us, our emphasis is never heavily on how a teacher looks. The most important aspects are his/her skill set, experience and how much they care about their impact on others and the planet.
That being said, we are conscious of how we represent yoga online, so we do our best to represent diversity on our site. (We are located on the west coast of Canada, which does present a challenge in this respect). We do have many 30-40 year old teachers who are white, slim and fit looking. We also have teachers in their 50s and one in her 60s. We now have an instructor who teaches yoga for bigger bodies. And we intend to branch out into other realms that further diversify our offerings.
Thanks again for asking, and thanks to @mjscott88 and @helen79jane for their kind responses. As I said, this is an important issue to us, one worth discussing.
Take care,