Hi- I’ve done many of your videos enough times, that at this point, I just want to follow the key steps and timing. I can almost hear, in my own mind, all of the reminders that go along with any given pose. I wish there were full audio and reduced audio options for people like me. Any chance of this? Anyone else interested in this?
Hi Leslie, I just want to clarify the ask here. Would you like a class with less cueing? There is no way we can have a different audio track to go with current classes but we could consider a class that had less cueing, and more silence.
Hi Fiji, thanks for responding. Yes, a class with less cueing and more silence would be wonderful.
HI, can I add agreement. I’ve watched some of the videos dozens of times (Yoga for Athletes, for ex) and I no longer need the longer explanations that go beyond cueing. I need to fast forward the video to get to the actual poses without all the explanations. A few classes that are essentially versions of the existing ones without all the explanations and cueing would be really wonderful.
I’ve done the same classes multiple times and I hear the guidance differently at times. Sometimes I hear cues that I’ve missed before. I really appreciate the cuing as an aid to being focused while doing a class.
Cues yes, but less explanation for the advance classes would be great. At the advance level only explanation of more difficult and more unusual poses is necessary.
As a more advanced student, I still always appreciate the cueing. Sometimes we can all forget about proper alignment or keeping our hips square to the front of the mat, etc.
I don’t have a problem with cues, it’s more continual talking that are not cues.