Reflect and Connect

I remember those classes too, I think I actually had tapes!

I am so grateful for this thank you. I am just recovering from Covid and reading this now is inspiring. Namaste

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I began my yoga practice after having gastric bypass surgery. Once I was cleared to begin exercising, I began from the very beginning on DYWM with David’s intro. to yoga classes so that I learned to yoga the right way. I became interested in it for its many benefits…not just physical. I have a high-stress job, and I was looking for the additional benefits. Yoga has been life changing for me in so many ways. I’m so grateful for the DYWM community and classes!

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Dharma…Life’s purpose. This is a particularly thought provoking topic for me currently. I have spent 38 yrs in a very rewarding but consuming career and as I look to shift my life around I realize the thought of real, imminent change stirs up a lot of emotions for me. Not all pleasurable. I feel my life’s purpose is undergoing a radical change in seasons. My thinking around it is often shaped by other’s expectations rather than my own values and desires. Thank you for the suggestions on some ways to frame this thinking.
I really appreciate the newsletters and have been a member of DYWM for many many years. I enjoy yoga as a private practice, and a time to explore my own boundaries and go beyond them. I would like to find a place in my community to practice as well as with DYWM in my own home, but the time and money it requires has always been limiting. I am barely recovering from an illness that really took me by surprise. This topic and the reminder of my very important ‘why’ to practice came just in time. I practice for ME. In a busy life often spent for others…I practice for myself. For the enjoyment, the learning and the growth. Because all of these bring me pleasure.

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Thank you Fiji - Dharma….a new word for me. Interesting, though, because I have done this work about 30 years ago when I was going through a major transition in my life. Now I see how it all fits together with the daily yoga I am practicing😊
It certainly is a process. For me the result of diving deeper into what inspires me and brings me joy, along with putting a vision board together is just 3 words: Balance, Adventure, Connection. Now when I am not feeling aligned within myself, I can see that one or more of these elements is missing in my life. For example , if I am missing connecting with a friend, I organize a walk and talk…those rich connections with close friends are so grounding…an honest sharing of feelings can validate where I am at…it works both ways…not focussing on self only, but truly listening to a friend feels good and aligns with my Dharma😊


Getting out of my head and into my consciousness is a daily challenge. I read Eckhart Tolle’s books - “The Power of Now” and “A New Earth”. Tolle’s spiritual guidance aligns perfectly with Do Yoga With Me’s philosophy and practice. I feel grateful and fortunate to be doing what I love. Being creative and enthusiastic about life is vital to me as a theatre artist and jewelry designer/stylist. Being connected to the energy of life, allowing oneself to vibrate at a higher level of consciousness are important ways to be, especially now with so much strife in the world. I am such an advocate of the way you share yoga with all of us. It is an inspiration. Thank you all.

Hello, a question regarding the master practitioner program…I’m thinking of taking this, and wondered if once completed would any credits be transferred over to the teacher training certification program should I decide to continue my learning?


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I am so happy to hear that these new newsletters are awakening some deep reflection at a meaningful time. It is a powerful pause when we stop to ask ourselves, what now, what next? Knowing your why can help you steer in a new direction even when it is unfamilar and a wee bit scary.

What would the next chapter look like if you were lead by your values and desires? I definately feel the pull of living and acting in a way that I think meets the expectations of others, and have also experienced the freedom sometimes of side stepping into my own expecations!

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Margaret, I love your guide words! I often use guide words to help me maintain my right course, I ask if a decision will keep me aligned with those important anchor points. Maintaining the balance between them is a fine dance, but it sounds like you are well practiced!

This is a great question and one we will be covering in our discussion on Wednesday! If you choose to move from the Master Practioner course into YTT, we will count the investment as a credit! You will need to cover some of the same content, but it will be easy to work thorough as you learned it in the MPP course.

Thank you so much for the encouragement and further push to challenge myself…‘What would that look like?’

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Thanks Fiji. Will there be a replay of the video? I may not be able to excuse myself from work commitments at that time.

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-Joy and Impermanence-

Hey Fiji,

Hope your retreat is going well. Would love to travel and attend one day. However until then I will find joy in following along at home :slight_smile:

Are there any classes filmed on Cortes Island that I can follow?


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Hi Fiji…picturing you floating both down the garden paths and in the nearby lake on “swim afternoon.” Nice.
The ideas of attachment as well as the impermanence of life are one of the areas of yogic thinking that have interested me the most. I found your explanation very helpful. Thank you.

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Wonderful newsletter. Loved the reminder that I scan always clean out my closet in November! I also suck in every ray of sunshine I can get. Wether it’s only my lunch or a cup of tea outside and remind myself I can also have a meeting with someone while enjoying a walk outside :yellow_heart:

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We don’t have any classes filmed on Cortes yet but I was just talking about how we should film some! I will be teaching a retreat up there again in October so maybe that is an opportunity to film.

Great good to hear. Is there more information about that retreat in October? Is it open to members?

Seasonal changes. How to deal with them with grace? Something I think about especially in September. Light… both natural and otherwise is very important to me and, already, it is dark til 7 am. I started a morning ritual last winter where I allow myself time to stay cozy in bed for awhile…reading something pleasing for that time of day, using just a small book light. In the dark. For awhile. I was surprised to realize how much I look forward to that start. Brilliant sunshine at 5:30 am in June has its appeal. But so does this. So my answer is, focusing on parts of next season buoy you up.


I think this is a great idea. Seasonal changes can be stark and a shock to our systems sometimes…I’d love to see something on this at DYWM.

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Just read the topic " Shifting gears with grace". I really enjoyed the analogy to learning to drive stick.
I have been thinking lately on the concept of Liminality. It’s the state you are in between transitions. Whether it’s a new season of life or a job change or any rite of passage. This can be a very awkward off balance time. I’ve been through many times like this. Each time I go through a liminal state I can reference some of the times before and be reassured that this too shall pass and I will move on.
Thanks so much for your reflections and the depth they offer.