This is our 29th Sangha Session (community dialogues that help us learn more about you). For this dialogue, we’re asking:
‘What is your favorite class to do 1st thing in the morning?’
This is our 29th Sangha Session (community dialogues that help us learn more about you). For this dialogue, we’re asking:
‘What is your favorite class to do 1st thing in the morning?’
Tracy’s Movement as Medicine is my new favourite. I have to say though that I am having issues with the videos freezing while the audio continues, despite having switched to using Chrome. I also tried the instructions sent by your tech person to clear cookies from my cache but they did not seem to apply to an iPad iOS 17+. I will not re subscribe if this continues but would really be sad because I love your site!
Hi Esther,
I am sorry to hear you are having difficulties! I just put on this fun class with Tracey and had no issues with it playing all the way through. I also scanned all the comments and it does not appear to be an issue for other users. I wonder what other possibilities could be explored around your device? Have you tried playing the class on a laptop or other device? I can ask the tech team for other suggestions too, it could also be an update needed for the operation system.
My Favorite right now is Movement as meditation with Guy or Solar Flow with Tianne. I like the pace of movement in both of these. They help me start my day in a calm organized place. I could manage more challenge but these are tried and true on work days.
I have started almost every day for about four years with David’s Pranayama to Wake You Up . It helps give me energy to start the day by increasing my blood oxygen level. It has become so familiar and necessary to help me with my lung issues.
Deep Hip Opening from Tianne Allen has affected me more than any class I have ever taken. A morning retreat! Something about its mix of restorative and yin for that specific focus shifted me profoundly and continues to provide benefit for me. Can I also take this post as a way to apologize to every physical education teacher I had in grammar school and high school who were trying to teach me something so good? Distractable me, I finally got there in my 50s gratefully . Thanks David and entire team.
I’m so happy to hear that, @Lprinsky! Fantastic!
Your post gave me a little chuckle, @DaleJRhodes. Thanks for that.
I’m glad. You’ll get to full chuckle; just keep practicing and expand those lungs.
My go-to for the morning is Melissa’s “Yoga to Energize.” It is a great way to gain some energy and build a little heat to get my morning going!
Favorite morning classes - I especially love these:
20-30 mins: Jonni Lyn’s quick morning boost; Fiji’s elevate day 12; Josh’s morning stretch flow
30-45 mins: Eddy’s wake up with the sun; Josh’s morning awakening flow; Julia’s nourish your body morning; Melissa’s morning hatha yoga; Crista’s the elements 6; David’s connection body, connection earth
45-60 mins: Tracey’s let it fall away, balance the currents of life; Crista’s I am my own tree; Fiji’s Tune into you
60-75 mins: David’s challenging beginner class; Tracey’s align your heart and mind
Forgot to add:
20-30 Ron’s morning wake up and move
30-45 Ron’s playing with energy