Sangha Session 31: What is your favorite class to do after training?

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re keeping up with our Sangha Sessions. Too many? :slight_smile:

Sangha 31 is: ‘What is your favorite class is to do after a training session?’. Let us know so others like you can try it out!



What kind of training session? If it is something that is physically challenging like weight training or for a specific sport I love doing Yin. If it is a learning course of training seminar I definitely want to move and be dynamic!

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Same here…if I worked hard physically, I love something like Josh’s Forward Folds class.

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Good question, Fiji. It’s meant to be a physical training session. I like to do a long session of trigger point therapy mixed with poses with long holds. My body seems to respond best to that.

David, I have three favs for post workouts and b/hikes. Your “Post Game Yoga” is spot-on concise as is “Yoga for Cyclists”, and Melissa’s “Yoga for Casual Hikers” gets my time when I have the full hour.