This is our seventh Sangha Session, which are community dialogues about interesting, yoga-related and sometimes personal topics. They take place every second week. This week, our Sangha question is:
“Would you do yoga at your desk?”
If you would, how much room do you have? Are you able to do sun salutations and standing poses? Are you able to do seated poses and still see the screen? Are you able to lie down fully?
Share with us below!
Yes I would… mid-morning or even better mid-afternoon when fatigue threatens productivity & emotional or physical energy levels: simple stretches, some breathing exercises, balances like tree pose or eagle, modified sun salutation, an inversion … all help to revive, get the blood circulating & keep joints lubricated & flexible.
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I got my own office a few months ago, so now the answer is yes! I try to do a short session a few times a week on my lunch break. I have enough space to do any pose, and my monitor is big enough to see even from seated poses. I’m definitely in an ideal situation and wasn’t able to do this when I was in a shared office.
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I cannot do sun salutations or downward dog at my work. But, I can practice mindfulness, take deep breaths and stand in mountain pose, be strong and show patience and care for all the conflicting personalities around me.
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I would love to do yoga at work. I would love a 5-10 minute video to do with limited room. I can stand or sit but I wouldn’t be able to get on the floor. I love what you’re doing with this forum and the email newsletter. You rock David!
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I did a short practice today while dialled into a teleconference for a large group meeting while working from home. It’s been super hot in the UK and I was starting to feel pretty weary listening in. So i put speaker on and did a short sequence to re-energise. If seemed to work as I soon felt revitalised and was paying attention again. Not sure i would do that if I was in the office, but maybe I should of start introducing a yoga break on agendas!
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@Rbr3003 @susan.rae @sl.goertzen @michellerene234 Thank you! We’re really appreciating the feedback!
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Yes I would and even better if DYWM had a class for doing yoga at your desk!! One that’s appropriate for all office environments would be awesome 
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