Sangha Session 9: "What class filters would you like to see, along with Style, Duration, Teacher and Difficulty?"

Adding challenging beginner please.


If you are still counting, in order of preference, main body part would be useful (I have searched poses but have no skill in tying them together). Maybe equipment/no equipment? Main purpose (although type of yoga possibly helps here) ie stretch/release, strength, flexibility. However I find a class - sometimes by accident - I find benefit in them all.


Hi David, I agree with the body part focus and also including things like flexibility, strength etc. I also thing it’s useful, along with beginner, intermediate and advanced to have an ‘all’ category, eg the yin classes are tagged as beginner but personally I find them the most challenging. However, by doing a class many times I am learning to do them in a more advanced way (ie slow doesn’t necessarily mean easier!) I belong to another online yoga service and they have the categories I have mentioned and they are extremely useful.

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Definitely by focus eg relaxation, strength, flexibility, stamina

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I agree with what a lot of other folks are saying about body part of focus / or a thematic focus (relaxation, strength, etc.), as well as a shift in the time filters. Someone gave the example of looking for a 30-50 minute class, and to do that currently might involve scrolling through two separate searches.

Something that would be a game-changer for me would be the ability to select multiple options for each filter (vs a single item in a drop-down). For example: I want a class that’s between 20-60 minutes long, either intermediate or beginner, and taught by one of my three favorite (for now ;)) teachers.


Thank you so much for asking. A very simple word search would be welcome - so that one could find body parts, but also “prenatal,” “flow,” or other helpful descriptions. I am learning more about using the filters from reading the comments - I use multiple filters now to find a class with a particular teacher of a particular length.
I really appreciate your work.


I would also like the duration filter divided by 10 minutes instead of 20. Thanks for asking! Namaste, Tom


Body parts would be great and also to find classes for better sleep easier. Thank you :slight_smile:

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I agree with this wholeheartedly!! Alternatively, I wish there was a way to click several multiple selections in a category at once.


Fantastic feedback, everyone! We’re taking notes and coming up with ideas for 2019!



Just thinking about my journey with DYWM, an absolute beginner filter would be very helpful. I tried some beginner classes in the beginning that were a bit challenging but persevered. I have recommended your site to others and would hate for them to give up because the first class they tried was too difficult.

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I like the website much. I would maybe add a Mood/goal of the day: e.g., creating energy/fire, working on strength, calming the mind, brining focus,
And maybe have some category: morning wake up, meditative, on the way to bed. Many thanks!


I would love a class devoted to side stretches. I have tried to search a class with just this as the focus but have not found many options. I think a lot of my hip and back issues are due to the shortening (poor posture) of my side bodies… Thanks!!

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Personally, I know exactly what I’d like to see! I’m a dishwasher and its a lot of upper body work, and I wish there were a way to pick flows WITHOUT lots of chaturanga dandasana. Lots of times I wind up doing classes that are TOO easy or too relief-oriented just because I’m so sore in the shoulders, neck, and upperback – even though I’ve got plenty of juice in the legs and core. If you ever implement an advanced search function I feel like maybe you could have a “do not include in search results” filter. I don’t know I’m not a programmer but I think this sort of thing is pretty regular. Even without counting and logging the number of chaturangas for every class I could at least filter out shoulder-heavy classes if you introduced a body-part filter.

That said, I love the simplicity of the website as well. Often I just look to your Newly posted videos category or do a tried and true search for classes with dawn or fiji or rachel or ron or sarah or erica or tracy or melissa or you or… the list goes on :slight_smile:

keep doin what you’re doing and thank you


If there were a way to search for recommendations based on classes I have already done.

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Maybe sitting/standing only? Sometimes I’m not feeling the downdog vibe so I choose a hip themed class only to find much of that class involved hip openers in down dog. I know you’ve had heaps of different requests so thanks for everything you do for everyone.

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I’d like to see exact duration filters, where you can enter values for any minimum time and any maximum time, so I would have the ability to search for classes that are between 25-35 minutes for example. And please do not take away the “yoga type” filter - love it! :slight_smile:

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Thank you everyone! This is really helpful!

hi david, one other thought if you’re still taking suggestions… i’d like the ability to hide the time/progress bar that’s across the bottom of the screen. i end up focusing on how much time is left of the class instead of the yoga itself! thanks :slight_smile:

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Yes, I am!
The progress bar should disappear after a few seconds when you start a video - unless your mouse is still hovering over it. Is that possible?