Yoga beginner - Help me :)

Just starting out and really have no idea where to start… Never knew there was so many types, Is there beginners’ course. Any help would be great, Thanks everyone.

I would try starting with a Beginner Program or Challenge, that way you’ll get to learn the basics and try different styles to see which ones you like best. It’s also a good way to encourage you to practise regularly. DYWM has plenty to choose from, some free, some paid for. :person_in_lotus_position:

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I highly recommend David’s beginners yoga series. It walks you through proper breathing for yoga and then works you through proper ways to stabilize in poses, along with the importance of core to yoga. I hope this helps!

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I too would recommend David’s beginner series. If you go to the DYWM homepage, then click on the “Basics” link at the top, then choose “For Beginners” from the list, you’ll be there!

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All of these are great responses and here is a challenge with a variety of teachers and styles so you can get a sense of what you like

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